


St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 (SCSU) opened its doors to students in 1869, under the name Third State Normal School. 这所学校只有一栋楼, 斯特恩斯之家, a renovated hotel purchased by the state Legislature for $3,000. 教室在一楼, the "model school" was on second floor and a women's dormitory was housed on the third floor.

The five-member faculty was headed by Principal Ira Moore. Of the 53 original students, 43 were women. 从这个朴素的开始,圣. 云州 has evolved into a university with a national reputation for excellence, a faculty of approximately 700 and a student body of more than 15,400名全日制和非全日制学生. SCSU is one of the largest of the 31 institutions of the 明尼苏达州 Colleges and Universities System.

In 1898, the school began offering a junior college curriculum. In 1914, the school dropped its secondary education program entirely. The legislature authorized a name change in 1921, allowing the school to adopt the name St. 云州 Teachers College (the word "teachers" was deleted in 1957). 1975年,St。. 云州 became a university, comprised of five colleges and a graduate school.

The first bachelor's degrees were awarded in 1925, with master's degree programs offered beginning in 1953. SCSU now confers degrees from the 文理学院, 艺术学院, 理学院 & 工程, 计算机工程学院 & 环境, 赫伯格商学院, 教育学院 and 学习设计, School of Health & Human Services and the School of Public Affairs.

Building on its rich history as a teacher preparatory college, SCSU has built strong academic programs in other areas. 赫伯格商学院, 例如, is recognized as one of the top business colleges in the country and is one of only seven in the state that is nationally accredited.

SCSU students can take British studies courses in one of England’s castles. 访问 an Australian koala sanctuary between classes. Learn about political science in Laos, Thailand and Malaysia. These are just a few of the opportunities St. 云州’s Education Abroad programming offers. St. 云州 has more than 30 Education Abroad programs to get a global education while traveling the globe.

University life includes thriving and enriching recreation programs, 艺术及表演场地, 体育团队, 讲座及学生组织.

Today, SCSU is a multipurpose University with nearly 110,000 alumni who call St. 说出他们的母校, you’re part of a diverse and dynamic family of alumni — from teachers and journalists to CEOs and NHL stars.

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哈士奇的昵称: St. 云州's nickname has gone through several changes over the years. Early nicknames included "Normals," "Teachers," "Bear Cats," "Peds," and "Flying Clouds."

There are several theories about how the nickname "Huskies" began to be used. One says that it is a result of a student contest. Another suggests that the name originated with the football team. 2月4日的报纸上有一则报道, 1938, edition of the College Chronicle which referred to the "football huskies." Since huskies was not capitalized in the story, the author could have been referring to the team's size and this possibly led to the nickname. "I think it occurred during Coach Kasch's days as football coach (1935-42),约翰·韦斯曼说, former SCSU Dean of Men and former coach. "The team just started calling themselves the Huskies." Why the name was chosen or who exactly selected it remains unclear. The name could have been intended to mean "burly, 健壮或大," "one that is husky" or "a heavily coated working dog of the arctic region." Perhaps the nickname was meant to encompass all three meanings. 不管它的起源如何, the Husky nickname continues to represent SCSU as a symbol and image of strength.

暴雪: Meet Blizzard The Husky, mascot for St. 云州 students, alumni, employees, campus activities and 23 NCAA teams. 遵循 暴雪在推特上写道: http://twitter.com/BlizzardSCSU.

了解更多关于 哈士奇田径 at http://scsuhuskies.com/ 购买活动门票 http://scsutickets.com/

大学印章: 大学印章 was redesigned in 2001 and portrays the cupola that sits atop Riverview Building, 被橡树叶包围. The visuals were chosen to illustrate SCSU’s long history of teacher preparation (Riverview was built to serve as the lab school for St. Cloud Normal School students to teach area children) and the University’s location on the oak-crowned banks of the Mississippi River.

橡树叶The oak leaf has long been a symbol for life and learning at St. 云州, where change is as constant as the flowing waters of the Mississippi River. Here the oak leaf signifies distinctions and facts that set St. 云州 apart and foster institutional pride.